Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Pumpkin Carving First

Every year we buy pumpkins to carve.  We live in an area that for whatever reasons kids do not trick or treat. We have tried over the years to sit out there with our bowl of candy expectantly waiting for all the little cowboys and princesses.. and nothing! Although we did have a woman about 50 years old try to get some candy. She had a bag and everything, no kids or grand kids  When my husband told her to "get outta here" she just shrugged and said, I had to try.

This year we were able to find pumpkins for less than $3. My daughter is usually pretty picky. She really likes the Mini pumpkins, which she is unusually good at carving. I can hardly see to do something so small.  They come out looking so cool! I'm not sure if anyone else even carves these mini pumpkins but if not, you should give it a try.  My hubby has to find the biggest, roundest pumpkin he can. I prefer tall, thin, smooth skinned pumpkins. It also has to have a nice long stem. Ooh.. that sounds like a personal ad for a picking up a pumpkin! This year C (daughter) and I had to settle on pumpkins that weren't our typical choices. E (hubby) of course was able to find one that fit his definition of a perfect carving pumpkin.

We put off carving the pumpkins for a couple weeks. It has rained what seems like every day this month! I'd guesstimate out of the 31 days, it has rained 22 of them.  We did have one 80 degree day, that broke records!  Anyhow, I was not feeling well on the day we decided to carve the pumpkins, so I decided I would take pictures of them carving. It's been a couple of years since we had a camera, so E's new phone has become my new camera. It is so cool! I can take a picture and immediately email it to myself. I can even take video on it, although I haven't figured out how to send that yet.  I'm no techno nerd, so this is the coolest thing I have ever seen.

C turned 16 this year - so she's all independent (sometimes) and she wanted to carve her pumpkin "herself" ( I usually cute the lid and help clean out the middle. )

We stopped buying those pumpkin carving kits a couple years ago, they are always so flimsy and the knife always bends or breaks.  So we use the weapons of destruction found in my kitchen.

This stopped my heart, and I held my breathe the entire time she was cutting. I couldn't say anything or it would have sent her into a teenage hissy fit. So I just took pictures and worked out the fasted route to the hospital in my head.

Love the face! Sure am I glad I got out of this slimy  duty this year!

More heart palpitations for mom. Why do they have to grow up? There is still a lump in my throat! 

Her finished product! It's a Cat!! She added whisker holes after the pic was taken.

Let me tell you about my husband. He is an over achiever when it comes to carving pumpkins. He grew up in a household that did not celebrate Halloween and he had never carved a pumpkin until he was with me. The first few pumpkins sported the traditional jack o' lantern face but over the years he has started to design his own faces.

I don't have a lot of pictures of him carving his pumpkin. I took quite a few of him sketching out the design and carving. But his camera is racist! I can't get a good picture of him for anything. We have black cats and can't get a picture of them either!

This is after he sketched and traced the design onto the pumpkin. Cheesey grin. 

This is the last picture I could get that was good enough to see him doing the pumpkin. Looking pretty cool.

Had to get C to hold the pumpkin for a pic.

As I said, I wasn't feeling so hot. I thought it would be quick and easy to put some big ol' alien eyes and a tiny nose. It came out really blah.. so I ended up adding a mouth to it. Now everyone tells me it looks like Jack from "Nightmare before Christmas". I had to look it up, I have never seen the movie before.

This is my finished Jack O' Lantern.

Hubbys finished Jack O Lantern

C's finished Jack O Lantern

All three (taken before I added my mouth)

We always have fun carving the pumpkins together.  Even though I did not feel well this years was good too.  My pumpkin smelled funky when I opened it, but I decided to carve it anyway. It's going outside so it didn't really matter. Well... Hurricane Sandy decided to make a little visit to Cleveland and it was crazy windy and rainy. They sat on my dining room table until I had to take them out last night. My pumpkin was already "dying" and had attracted fruit flies. Where they hell do they hang out? and how do they show up so quickly?  My poor pumpkin has made it to Halloween day. Glad it got here before his complete demise. Now he looks like a monster zombie pumpkin!

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